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Fitness nieuws (487)

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fitness In the fitness profession, perhaps the proper form and posture to do most exercises do not matter much. In a recent article on The Personal Trainer Development Center, fitness professional Joy Victoria from Toronto, Canada, questioned and ...

Datum: | Bron: Guardian Liberty Voice

With Shaw having been with England at Brazil 2014 and starting training at Carrington less than a month after the tournament, Van Gaal would not be drawn on whether it was a surprise that the 19-year-old's fitness had dropped. "I cannot judge that, but ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

Xbox Fitness users can now buy a monthlong P90X workout program for $59.99, publisher Microsoft Studios announced today. Released today, P90X for Xbox Fitness is a 30-day version of Tony Horton's P90X regimen, which is traditionally designed for a ...

Datum: | Bron: Polygon

When it comes to fitness, as with anything, we all want to see the maximum return for the minimum amount of investment. This is especially true when you consider that the biggest reason people cite for not going to the gym, second only to lack of ...

Datum: | Bron: Telegraph.co.uk

Lees ook:4 cardio tips voor het verbranden van vet. Lees ook:Fusion Fitness: de nieuwste trend. Lees ook:4 loopband fouten die je waarschijnlijk maakt. Lees ook:De 4 grootste yoga fails. Lees ook:Hoe kun je afvallen met een loopband? Tweeten.

Datum: | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)

Women's Health Magazine organiseert The Next Fitness Star. In deze wedstrijd strijden vijf coaches voor een eigen fitness-DVD. Om deze te winnen moeten de deelnemers ieder een nieuwe fitnessmove introduceren die de trend van het volgende jaar kan ...

Datum: | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)

NECK - Sporten op de nieuwste apparatuur van Techno Gym tegen een laag maandtarief? Dat kan bij Fitness Basic Neck in sportcentrum Neckslag. Eigenaar Dirk Brevé heeft het fitnesscentrum een jaar geleden compleet verbouwd en apparatuur neergezet ...

Datum: | Bron: Dichtbij.nl

The high-end fitness industry may be awash in trendy concepts — CrossFit, boot camps and the like — but one of the biggest players in the luxury gym market is continuing to expand all the same. Equinox Fitness, the purveyor of expensive workout ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Times

After a warm-down session on the Sports Authority Field pitch, which included running, the quartet were then ordered to undertake gym work, under the strict supervision of Van Gaal's fitness staff. United's new boss has already introduced daily double ...

Datum: | Bron: Irish Mirror

The Pavlok device is a jolting wearable fitness tracker that lets you track your workout schedule or fitness routines and other activities. It lets you send powerful reminders daily and gives you a zap when you miss any workout schedule or activity ...

Datum: | Bron: Argyll Free Press

"Beginning in 2015, we will integrate fitness functions into Swatch Touch," Swatch Chief Executive Nick Hayek told Sunday's Neue Zuercher Zeitung am Sonntag, a Swiss weekly. "It will remain a watch, but will have all today's usual functions to monitor ...

Datum: | Bron: Reuters

While Sethi says the device will encourage people in a way normal fitness trackers can't, some workout professionals are apprehensive at the idea of having a painful incentive forcing people to work out. However, Sethi stresses that the device is ...

Datum: | Bron: ABC News

“She's literally the most pathetic specimen of physical fitness I've ever seen,” fumed an academy classmate of Choeurlyne Doirin, 39, who was given a uniform and a “light-duty” assignment even though she did not graduate on June 2 with the other 286 ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Post

But, according to one Jawbone executive, that's part of what makes the Jawbone platform work so well. Travis Bogard, vice president of product management and strategy at Jawbone, explained that it's really the advice and feedback you get from a fitness ...

Datum: | Bron: Businessinsider India

Talk to Sarah Robb O'Hagan for five minutes, and you are definitely inspired to get moving. The President of the popular Equinox fitness chain believes in the links between exercise and confidence, and beauty and strength. Not surprisingly, she's also ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo News

It's been just over a year since AMI's Men's Fitness, formerly a collection of bodybuilding tips and ads for “health” supplements of questionable efficacy, was reborn as an upscale men's lifestyle brand under the leadership of former Men's Health ...

Datum: | Bron: Adweek

Deze polsband geeft stroomstoot als je fitness overslaat. Redactie − 25/07/14, 14u58 − Bron: Metro UK, YouTube. © pavlok.com. De 'Pavlok Shocking Wristband', een futuristische armband, zorgt ervoor dat je nooit meer een training overslaat. Je bekoopt ...

Datum: | Bron: De Morgen

Do you like jogging, but wish it was a little more like a Saw movie and/or dystopian nightmare in which thigh gaps have become the global currency? Well, today in horrible ideas: A new wearable fitness tracker that actually zaps users with an electric ...

Datum: | Bron: Jezebel

XGN geeft in samenwerking met Universal Studios drie keer het volgende vette Hercules prijzenpakket weg: 2 kaarten, een fitness set en een sporttas. Zodat je na het kijken van de film geheel geïnspireerd door the Rock kunt fitnessen. Je moet nu eenmaal ...

Datum: | Bron: XGN Entertainment

You would think that combining a health and fitness app with social networking features had kinda been done for a while. Strava has a sort of network where I can follow my friends' runs. And other apps have similar features. But it would seem there's a ...

Datum: | Bron: TechCrunch

Steeds meer Amerikaanse vrouwen volgen sportlessen op hun hoge hakken. Fitnessinstructeurs beloven met deze nieuwe trend namelijk een strakkere kont en slankere bovenbenen. Sportsessies als 'The Heel Hop Workout' en 'Stiletto Strength' worden ...

Datum: | Bron: Goed Gevoel

The fitness tracker trend is in full swing, with tons of companies offering up their own option. And with rumors of one from Apple to go with the iHealth app in iOS 8, we don't expect that to change any time soon. New York City-based design company ...

Datum: | Bron: Tom's Guide

Runners and other fitness enthusiasts often listen to music while they're doing their thing, and a good portion of those folks also have a fitness wearable. Rather that have to wear two devices, wouldn't it be handy to go as lightweight as possible ...

Datum: | Bron: SlashGear

Cristiano Ronaldo has made a bizarre appearance on Japanese television, reacting pricelessly to a presenter demonstrating a facial fitness device. Ronaldo is in Japan as a spokesman for wellness company MTG, explains The Japan Times. The two devices ...

Datum: | Bron: Bleacher Report

Sethi says that while the fitness bands currently on the market are great for tracking everything from the number of steps you take to your sleep pattern, they can't actually change your habits. That's where the Pavlok fitness band comes in, helping ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo Tech
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