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Fitness nieuws (504)

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There's a fitness tracker for vaginas. Quantifying your life has gone too far. Jess Zimmerman. Biofeedback is great ... right up until you use it to get positive feedback from everyone you know. woman exercise. 'Let's get physical' takes on a new ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

While slimming pills or herbal diet supplements see an annual spend of £10.56 a year, with Brits also forking out about £5 a year on fitness DVDs. For some, the cost is even higher as 22 per cent fork out a further £65 a year on clothes that are too ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

'One habit I have never managed to fall into is exercise.' Photograph: Karen Robinson for the Observer. THE GOAL. Let's get this straight: I'm not unhappy with my body. I have no desire to sculpt a bikini shape, cultivate a six-pack or lose a dress size.

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

SAN JOSE--Bodybuilding, martial arts and gymnastics came together over the weekend at an indoor fitness exposition that featured some ancient sports and a few creative competitions that stretched the boundary for fun and games. "I just love it," Lura ...

Datum: | Bron: San Jose Mercury News

Prepping for your wedding day can be really time consuming, but we are here to help you out. This 10-minute, time-saving workout gets the job done. With a focus on the arms and abs, our shed-to-wed video will tone you all over. Press play, and get ...

Datum: | Bron: FitSugar.com

RUNKEEPER: If you enjoy activities like running, cycling, swimming and hiking, RunKeeper can help you track your progress, set and achieve fitness goals, and get your friends involved for some healthy competition and mutual encouragement. The app uses ...

Datum: | Bron: Times of India

The brand LG most often brings to mind monstrous OLED TVs, stylishly home appliances, and smartphones. But with the launch of its Lifeband Touch fitness tracker, the South Korean electronics giant is sending notice to the the world that they're intent ...

Datum: | Bron: Digital Trends

Thankfully, along with the aesthetic comes many of the other traits one looks for in a fitness wearable: it's water resistant up to 50 meters (for sweat, rain and a swim, if you're so inclined), rugged and lightweight at 1.3 or 1.5 ounces, depending on ...

Datum: | Bron: Mashable

Now with new fitness bands coming out seemingly everyday, the Gobe may very well be the one that many of you have been waiting for promising the ultimate feature in these fitness bands. Not only telling you how many calories you're expending but also ...

Datum: | Bron: TWC News

Welcome everybody to my fitness and nutrition AMA. I'll be your guide today, dropping serious knowledge to help you drop pounds, add pounds, or maybe just help you live a little bit healthier. I'm usually active from 8am until 8pm, but I check in on ...

Datum: | Bron: io9

As a group fitness instructor and health coach, I am often asked the same questions: What do you do to stay fit? What do you eat? How often do you exercise and what do you do? If you are confused as to what's healthy, you are not alone. We are flooded ...

Datum: | Bron: Huffington Post (blog)

Xbox Fitness has a number of problems, which I'll discuss shortly, but the main one is this: there are no beginner programs. If you spend the time to go through and check every available free video, you'll see that not a single one is low intensity and ...

Datum: | Bron: VG247

With his strapping physique and earnest approach to personal fitness he's earned his stripes as the resident TOWIE hunk – and the plaudit has helped win Dan Osborne a new role as Attitude Magazine's new fitness expert. The beefy reality star will ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

10 domste fitness apparaten · 5 verschillende push-ups (van licht tot zwaar) · Het geheim achter succesvol Anytime Fitness · Pas op! Deze workout laat je overeten · Microsoft werkt aan een nieuwe fitness armband · Shoppen is een workout! 5 tekens dat ...

Datum: | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)

Fitness is the new buzz in town. Adidas on Wednesday announced a new fitness wristband dubbed Fit Smart; an activity tracker designed for running, training, and fitness that is paired with the company's miCoach fitness app. The company has priced it ...

Datum: | Bron: NDTV

And whether that person is your significant other or you live with college friends, sharing communal space — such as the fridge and pantry — is necessary. As one of these individuals, and a full-time fitness professional, I've decided to open up my ...

Datum: | Bron: BostInno

Begin 2015 wordt de fitnessarmband Pavlok op de markt gebracht. De naam zegt het al, deze fitnessarmband stuurt het gedrag van zijn drager en wel op een hele shockerende manier. 2pavlok1. Deze Pavlok geeft namelijk een stroomstoot af wanneer er ...

Datum: | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)

".....sedentary behavior may increase risk through an impact on lower fitness levels, and that avoiding sedentary behavior throughout the day may represent an important companion strategy to improve fitness and health, outside of regular exercise ...

Datum: | Bron: University Herald

Van maandag tot en met vrijdag kun je komen sporten tussen 8.30 en 22.00 uur. In het weekend ben je welkom tussen 8.30 en 13.00 uur. Wil je meer weten over de groepslessen, de fitness en de mogelijkheden? Neem dan contact op, of loop gewoon eens ...

Datum: | Bron: Dichtbij.nl

When it comes to health and fitness apps, it's easy to become overwhelmed. Just opening up the app store and searching 'fitness' can lead to more results than you ever imagined. But which ones are the best and how do you know if they meet your health ...

Datum: | Bron: BostInno

Het bedrijf Minna Life heeft een fitness-apparaatje ontwikkeld voor 'de roos der vrouwen'. De KGoal Smart Kegel Trainer heeft de vorm van een piepspeeltje, maar zorgt voor een onvervalste portie vagina-fitness. Het ding wordt gekoppeld aan de ...

Datum: | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)

Dylan Haegens laat zien welke 10 fitnessapparaten niet alleen nutteloos zijn, maar ook ronduit slecht en humoristisch. Haegens neemt in zijn video onder andere de Shake-weight op de proef. Om te bewijzen hoe belachelijk de workout eruit ziet gaat hij ...

Datum: | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)

De hypertechnologische 21ste eeuw heeft weer een nieuw pareltje opgeleverd voor de geschiedenisboeken: dit keer is het een fitness tracker voor de vagina. Het draagbare apparaatje, genaamd KGoal Smart Kegel Trainer, houdt de bekkenbewegingen in ...

Datum: | Bron: SpitsNieuws

De push-up is een veelbekende oefening. Maar voor sommige mensen is de push-up te zwaar om te doen, voor anderen weer te licht. En weer iemand anders wil af en toe gewoon wat variatie in zijn training. Daarom geef ik je hier 5 variaties op de push-up, ...

Datum: | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)

Volgens het online magazine Management Team is de fitnessketen Anytime Fitness succesvoller dan andere franchise ketens zoals McDonalds. Maar waarom is deze keten zo succesvol? Management Team vroeg het aan CEO Chuck Runyon. anytime ...

Datum: | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)
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